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Getting Started with Knockout

Creating a Project


The Coalesce Knockout.js stack is deprecated and will be receiving only critical bug fixes going forward. You are strongly encouraged to start all new Coalesce projects with Vue.

The quickest and easiest way to create a new Coalesce Knockout application is to use the dotnet new template. In your favorite shell:

dotnet new install IntelliTect.Coalesce.KnockoutJS.Template
dotnet new coalesceko

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Data Modeling

At this point, you can open up the newly-created solution in Visual Studio and run your application. However, your application won't do much without a data model, so you will probably want to do the following before running:

  • Create an initial Data Model by adding EF entity classes to the data project and the corresponding DbSet<> properties to AppDbContext. You will notice that the starter project includes a single model, Widget, to start with. Feel free to change this model or remove it entirely. Read Entity Models for more information about creating a data model.

  • Run dotnet ef migrations add Init (Init can be any name) in the data project to create an initial database migration.

  • Run Coalesce's code generation by either:

    • Running dotnet coalesce in the web project's root directory
    • Running the coalesce npm script (Vue) or gulp task (Knockout) in the Task Runner Explorer

You're now at a point where you can start creating your own pages!

Building Pages & Features

Lets say we've created a model called Person as follows, and we've ran code generation with dotnet coalesce:

namespace MyApplication.Data.Models 
    public class Person
        public int PersonId { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public DateTimeOffset? BirthDate { get; set; }

We can create a details page for a Person by creating:

  • A controller in src/MyApplication.Web/Controllers/PersonController.cs:

    namespace MyApplication.Web.Controllers
        public partial class PersonController
            public IActionResult Details() => View();
  • A view in src/MyApplication.Web/Views/Person/Details.cshtml:

    <h1>Person Details</h1>
    <div data-bind="with: person">
        <dl class="dl-horizontal">
            <dt>Name </dt>
            <dd data-bind="text: name"></dd>
            <dt>Date of Birth </dt>
            <dd data-bind="moment: birthDate, format: 'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm a'"></dd>
    @section Scripts
    <script src="~/js/person.details.js"></script>
        $(function () {
            var vm = new MyApplication.PersonDetails();
  • And a script in src/MyApplication.Web/Scripts/person.details.ts:

    /// <reference path="viewmodels.generated.d.ts" />
    module MyApplication {
        export class PersonDetails {
            public person = new ViewModels.Person();
            load() {
                var id = Coalesce.Utilities.GetUrlParameter("id");
                if (id != null && id != '') {

With these pieces in place, we now have a functioning page that will display details about a person. We can start up the application and navigate to /Person/Details?id=1 (assuming a person with ID 1 exists - if not, navigate to /Person/Table and create one).

From this point, one can start adding more fields, more features, and more flair to the page. Check out all the other documentation in the sidebar to see what else Coalesce has to offer, including the Knockout Overview.

Coalesce is a free and open-source framework created by IntelliTect to fill our desire to create better apps, faster. IntelliTect is a high-end software architecture and development consulting firm based in Spokane, Washington.

If you're looking for help with your software project, whether it be a Coalesce application, other technologies, or even just an idea, reach out to us at — we'd love to start a conversation! Our clients range from Fortune 100 companies to local small businesses and non-profits.