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A dropdown component that will present a list of suggested string values from a custom API endpoint. Allows users to input values that aren't provided by the endpoint.

Effectively, this is a server-driven autocomplete list.


    label="Job Title"
class Person 
    public int PersonId { get; set; } 

    public string JobTitle { get; set; }

    public static async Task<ICollection<string>> GetSuggestedJobTitles(AppDbContext db, string search) 
        return await db.People
            .Select(p => p.JobTitle)
            .Where(t => t.StartsWith(search))
            .OrderBy(t => t)


for: string | Property | Value

A metadata specifier for the value being bound. One of:

  • A string with the name of the value belonging to model.
  • A direct reference to a metadata object.
  • A string in dot-notation that starts with a type name.

model: Model

An object owning the value that was specified by the for prop. If provided, the input will be bound to the corresponding property on the model object.

method: string

The camel-cased name of the Custom Method to invoke to get the list of valid values. Will be passed a single string parameter search. Must be a static method on the type of the provided model object that returns a collection of strings.

params?: DataSourceParameters

An optional set of Data Source Standard Parameters to pass to API calls made to the server.

listWhenEmpty?: boolean = false

True if the method should be invoked and the list displayed when the entered search term is blank.

eager?: boolean = false

True if the bound value should be updated as the user types. Otherwise, the bound value is updated when focus is lost or when a suggested value is chosen. This is only applicable for Vuetify 2 - in Vuetify 3, this is the default behavior.

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