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[DtoIncludes] & [DtoExcludes]

Allows for easily controlling what data gets set to the client. When requesting data from the generated client-side list view models, you can specify an includes property on the ViewModel or ListViewModel.

For more information about the includes string, see Includes String.

When the database entries are returned to the client they will be trimmed based on the requested includes string and the values in DtoExcludes and DtoIncludes.


These attributes are not security attributes - consumers of your application's API can set the includes string to any value when making a request.

Do not use them to keep certain data private - use the Security Attributes family of attributes for that.

It is important to note that the value of the includes string will match against these attributes on any of your models that appears in the object graph being mapped to DTOs - it is not limited only to the model type of the root object.


DtoIncludes does not ensure that specific data will be loaded from the database. It only permits what is already loaded into the current EF DbContext to be returned from the API. See Data Sources to learn how to control what data gets loaded from the database.

Example Usage

Server code:

public class Person
    // Don't include CreatedBy when editing - will be included for all other views
    public AppUser CreatedBy { get; set; }

    // Only include the Person's Department when `includes == "details"` on the TypeScript ViewModel.
    public Department Department { get; set; }

    // LastName will be included in all views
    public string LastName { get; set; }

public class Department
    public ICollection<Person> People { get; set; }

Client code:

import { PersonListViewModel } from '@/viewmodels.g'

const personList = new PersonListViewModel();
personList.$includes = "Editor";
await personList.$load();
// Objects in personList.$items will not contain CreatedBy nor Department objects.

const personList2 = new PersonListViewModel();
personList2.$includes = "details";
await personList.$load();
// Objects in personList2.items will be allowed to contain both CreatedBy and Department objects. 
// Department will be allowed to include its other Person objects.


// Also settable via constructor parameter #1
public string ContentViews { get; set; }

A comma-delimited list of values of includes on which to operate.

For DtoIncludes, this will be the values of includes for which this property will be allowed to be serialized and sent to the client.

For DtoExcludes, this will be the values of includes for which this property will not be serialized and sent to the client.

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