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Vue API Client Layer

The API client layer, generated as api-clients.g.ts, exports a class for each API controller that was generated for your data model. These classes are stateless and provide one method for each API endpoint. This includes both the standard set of endpoints created for CRUD Models, as well as any custom Methods on the aforementioned types, as well as any methods on your Services.

The API clients provided by Coalesce are based on axios. All API clients used a shared axios instance, exported from coalesce-vue as AxiosClient. This instance can be used to configure all HTTP requests made by Coalesce, including things like attaching interceptors to modify the requests being made, or configuring defaults.

As with all the layers, the source code of coalesce-vue is also a great supplement to this documentation.


API Client

API Clients are classes, generated for each controller-backed type in your data model as <ModelName>ApiClient and exported from api-clients.g.ts containing a method for each API endpoint.

Each method on the API client takes in the regular parameters of the method as you would expect, as well as an optional AxiosRequestConfig parameter at the end that can be used to provide additional configuration for the single request, if needed.

For the methods that correspond to the standard set of CRUD endpoints that Coalesce provides (get, list, count, save, bulkSave, delete), an additional parameter parameters is available that accepts the set of Standard Parameters appropriate for the endpoint.

Each method returns a Promise<AxiosResponse<TApiResult>> where TApiResult is either ItemResult, ItemResult<T>, or ListResult<T>, depending on the return type of the API endpoint. AxiosResponse is the response object from axios, containing the TApiResult in its data property, as well as other properties like headers. The returned type T is automatically converted into valid Model implementations for you.

API Callers/API States

A stateful function for invoking an API endpoint, created with the $makeCaller function on an API Client. API Callers provide a wide array of functionality that is useful for working with API endpoints that are utilized by a user interface.

Because they are such an integral part of the overall picture of coalesce-vue, they have their own section below where they are explained in much greater detail.

API Callers

API Callers (typed with the name ApiState in coalesce-vue, sometimes also referred to as "loaders" or "invokers") are stateful functions for invoking an API endpoint, created with the $makeCaller function on an API Client. A summary of features:

Endpoint Invocation

Each API Caller is itself a function, so it can be invoked to trigger an API request to the server.

State management

API Callers contain properties about the last request made, including things like wasSuccessful, isLoading, result, and more. Read More.

Concurrency Management

Using setConcurrency(mode), you can configure how each individual caller handles what happens when multiple requests are made simultaneously. Read More.

Argument Binding

API Callers can be created so that they have an args object that can be bound to, using .invokeWithArgs() to make a request using those arguments as the API endpoint's parameters. The API Callers created for the ViewModel Layer are all created this way.

Creating and Invoking an API Caller

API Callers can be created with the $makeCaller method of an API Client. If desired, you can define parameters that will be accepted as input to each invocation.


During typical development, it is unlikely that you'll need to make a custom API Caller - the ones created for you on the generated ViewModel Layer will usually suffice. However, creating your own can allow for some more advanced functionality.

Some examples:

A caller that takes no additional parameters:

// Preamble for all the examples below:
import { PersonApiClient } from '@/api-clients.g';
const client = new PersonApiClient();

const caller = client.$makeCaller(
    c => c.namesStartingWith("A")

await caller();

A caller that takes custom parameters:

const caller = client.$makeCaller(
    methods => methods.namesStartingWith, 
    (c, str: string) => c.namesStartingWith(str)

await caller("Rob");

A caller that has an args object that can be bound to. This is how the generated API Callers in the ViewModel Layer are created:

const caller = client.$makeCaller("item", 
    // The parameter-based version is always required, even if it won't be used.
    (c, str: string) => c.namesStartingWith(str),
    // A function which creates a blank instance of the args object.
    // All props should be initialized (i.e. not undefined) to work with Vue's reactivity.
    () => ({str: null as string | null, }),
    // The function that accepts the args object and uses it:
    (c, args) => c.namesStartingWith(args.str)

caller.args.str = "Su";
await caller.invokeWithArgs();

A caller that performs multiple async operations:

const deleteFirstNameStartingWith = client.$makeCaller(
    async (c, str: string) => {
        const namesResult = await c.namesStartingWith(str)
        return await c.deletePersonByName([0])

await caller("Rob");

The first parameter, resultType, can either be one of "item" or "list", indicating whether the method returns a ItemResult or ListResult (examples #1 and #3 above). It can also be a function which accepts the set of method metadata for the API Client and which returns the specific method metadata (example #2 above), or it can be a direct reference to a specific method metadata object.


The following state properties can be found on API Caller instances. These properties are useful for binding to in a user interface to display errors, results, or indicators of progress.

All Callers

isLoading: boolean

True if there is currently a request pending for the API Caller.

wasSuccessful: boolean | null

A boolean indicating if the last request was successful. null if no request has been made yet or if a request has been made but has not yet completed.

message: string | null

An message from the last request. Typically an error message if the last request failed, but messages can also be provided with successful ApiResult responses in your custom methods.

hasResult: boolean

True if result is non-null. This prop is useful in performance-critical scenarios where checking result directly will cause an overabundance of re-renders in high-churn scenarios.

args: {}

Holds an object for the arguments of the function, and will be used if the caller is invoked with its invokeWithArgs() method. Useful for binding the arguments of a caller to inputs in a user interface.

Only exists if the caller was created with the option of being invoked with an args object as described in the sections above.

get url(): string

Returns the URL for the method's HTTP endpoint. Any parameters are sourced from the args object. Useful for binding file-returning HTTP GET methods directly to image or video HTML elements.

Only exists if the caller was created with the option of being invoked with an args object as described in the sections above.

ItemResult-based Callers

result: T | null

The principal data returned by the previous request. Will be set to null if the last response received returned no data (e.g. if the response was an error response)

validationIssues: ValidationIssue[] | null

Any validation issues returned by the previous request. This is never populated automatically by Coalesce, and is therefore is only used if you have written custom code to populate it in your Behaviors or Methods.

ListResult-based Callers

result: Array<T> | null

The principal data returned by the previous request. Will be set to null if the last response received returned no data (e.g. if the response was an error response).

page, pageSize, pageCount, totalCount: number | null

Properties which contain the pagination information returned by the previous request.

Concurrency Mode

setConcurrency(mode: 'disallow' | 'debounce' | 'cancel' | 'allow')

API callers have a setConcurrency method that allows you to customize how they behave when additional invocations are performed when there is already a request pending. There are four options available, with "disallow" being the default:


The default behavior - simply throws an error for any secondary invocations.


Having "disallow" as the default prevents the unexpected behavior that can happen in a number of ways with the other modes:

  • For requests that are performing data-mutating actions on the server, all other concurrency modes could lead to an unexpected end state of the data due to requests either being abandoned, cancelled, or potentially happening out-of-order.
  • Throwing errors for multiple concurrent requests quickly surfaces issues during development where concurrent requests are not being correctly guarded against in a user interface - e.g. not disabling a "Save" or "Submit" button while the request is pending, which would otherwise lead to double-posts.

When a secondary invocation is performed, enqueue it after the current pending invocation completes.

If additional invocations are performed while there is already an invocation enqueued and waiting, the already-enqueued invocation is abandoned and replaced by the most recent invocation attempt. The promise of the abandoned invocation will be resolved with undefined (it is NOT rejected).


When a secondary invocation is performed, cancel the current pending invocation.

This completely aborts the request, propagating all the way back to the server where cancellation can be observed with HttpContext.RequestAborted. The promise of the cancelled invocation will be resolved with undefined (it is NOT rejected).


When a secondary invocation is performed, always continue normally, sending the request to the server.

The state of the properties on the caller at any time will reflect the most recent response received from the server, which is never guaranteed to correlate with the most recent request made to the server - that is, requests are not guaranteed to complete in the order they were made. In particular, the isLoading property will be false after the first response comes back, even if the second response has not yet been received.


For the reasons outlined above, it is generally not recommended to use "allow" unless you fully understand the drawbacks. This mode mirrors the legacy behavior of the Knockout stack for Coalesce.

Response Caching

Response caching on API Callers is a feature that will save API responses to persistent storage (sessionStorage or localStorage). The next time a matching request is made, the result property of the API Caller will be populated with that saved response, allowing for a faster time to interactivity and reduced repaints and shifting of elements as initial data loads after a page navigation. It does not prevent any HTTP requests from being made, and does not affect the Promise returned from invoke or invokeWithArgs.

Common use cases include:

  • Site-wide status or alert messages
  • Server-provided configuration
  • Dashboard data, like statistics or graphs

When a cached response is loaded, result is populated with that response's data, wasSuccessful and hasResult are set to true, and onFulfilled callbacks are invoked.

useResponseCaching(configuration?: ResponseCachingConfiguration | false)

Enables response caching on the API Caller. Only HTTP GET methods are supported, and file-returning methods are not supported. Call with false to disable caching after it was previously enabled. The available options are as follows:

export type ResponseCachingConfiguration = {
  /** Function that will determine the cache key used for a particular request.
   * Return a falsy value to prevent caching. The default key is the request URL.
  key?: (
    req: AxiosRequestConfig,
    defaultKey: string
  ) => string | null | undefined;

  /** The maximum age of a cached response. If null, the entry will not expire. Default 1 hour.
   * The smallest of the current configured max age and the max age that was set at the time of the cached response is used. */
  maxAgeSeconds?: number | null;

  /** The Storage (default `sessionStorage`) that will hold cached responses. */
  storage?: Storage;

Other Methods

API Callers have a few other methods available as well:

cancel(): void

Manually cancel the current request. The promise of the cancelled invocation will be resolved with undefined (it is NOT rejected). If using concurrency mode "allow", only the most recent invocation is cancelled.

onFulfilled((state: TInvoker) => void | Promise<any>): void

Add a callback to the caller to be invoked when a success response is received from the server. If a promise is returned, this promise will be awaited and will delay the setting of the isLoading prop to false until it completes.

onRejected((state: TInvoker) => void | Promise<any>): void

Add a callback to the caller to be invoked when a failure response is received from the server. If a promise is returned, this promise will be awaited and will delay the setting of the isLoading prop to false until it completes.

invoke(...args: TArgs)

Invokes the endpoint with provided args.

The invoke function is a reference from the caller to itself. In other words, caller.invoke === caller.

confirmInvoke(message: string, ...args: TArgs)

Similar to invoke, but prompts for confirmation from the user (via window.confirm) with the provided message.

invokeWithArgs(args?: TArgs)

Invokes the endpoint with the specified args, defaulting to caller.args.

Only exists if the caller was created with the option of being invoked with an args object as described in the sections above.

confirmInvokeWithArgs(message: string, args?: TArgs)

Similar to invokeWithArgs, but prompts for confirmation from the user (via window.confirm) with the provided message.

getResultObjectUrl(vue?: Vue): string | undefined

If the method returns a file, this method will return an Object URL representing the value of the result prop.

Accepts a Vue instance in order to manage the lifecycle of the URL, since object URLs must be manually released to avoid memory leaks. When the provided Vue component is destroyed, the object URL will be destroyed. If called inside the component template, the Vue instance can be acquired automatically.

Only exists if the caller was created with the option of being invoked with an args object as described in the sections above.

Coalesce is a free and open-source framework created by IntelliTect to fill our desire to create better apps, faster. IntelliTect is a high-end software architecture and development consulting firm based in Spokane, Washington.

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