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A dropdown component that allows for selecting values fetched from the generated /list API endpoints.

Used for selecting values for foreign key and navigation properties, or for selecting arbitrary objects or primary keys without a parent or owning object.


Binding to a navigation property or foreign key of a model:

  <c-select :model="person" for="company" />
  <!-- OR: -->
  <c-select :model="person" for="companyId" />

Binding an arbitrary primary key value or an arbitrary object:

  <!-- Binding a key: -->
  <c-select for="Person" v-model:key-value="selectedPersonId" />

  <!-- Binding an object: -->
  <c-select for="Person" v-model:object-value="selectedPerson" />
  <c-select for="Person" v-model="selectedPerson" />


  <!-- Binding selected primary keys: -->
  <c-select for="Person" multiple v-model:key-value="selectedPeopleIds" />

  <!-- Binding selected objects: -->
  <c-select for="Person" multiple v-model="selectedPeople" />
  <c-select for="Person" multiple v-model:object-value="selectedPeople" />

Examples of other props:

  :params="{ pageSize: 42, filter: { isActive: true } }"
<!-- `createMethods` is defined in the docs of `create` below -->


Note: In addition to the below props, c-select also supports most props that are supported by Vuetify's v-text-field.

for: string | ForeignKeyProperty | ModelReferenceNavigationProperty | ModelType

A metadata specifier for the value being bound. One of:

  • The name of a foreign key or reference navigation property belonging to model.
  • The name of a model type.
  • A direct reference to a metadata object.


When the binding can only locate a PK value and the corresponding object cannot be found (e.g. there is no navigation property, or the navigation property is null), c-select will automatically attempt to load the object from the server so it can be displayed in the UI.

model?: Model

An object owning the value that was specified by the for prop. If provided, the input will be bound to the corresponding property on the model object.

If for specifies a foreign key or reference navigation property, both the foreign key and the navigation property of the model will be updated when the selected value is changed.

value?: any // Vue 2
modelValue?: any // Vue 3

When binding the component with v-model, accepts the value part of v-model. If for was specified as a foreign key, this will expect a key; likewise, if for was specified as a type or as a navigation property, this will expect an object.

multiple?: boolean

Enables multi-select functionality. Bindings for modelValue, keyValue, and objectValue will accept and emit arrays instead of single values.

keyValue?: TKey
'onUpdate:keyValue': (value: TKey) => void

When bound with v-model:key-value="keyValue", allows binding the primary key of the selected object explicitly. Binds an array when in multi-select mode.

objectValue?: TModel
'onUpdate:objectValue': (value: TModel) => void

When bound with v-model:object-value="objectValue", allows binding the selected object explicitly. Binds an array when in multi-select mode.

clearable?: boolean

Whether the selection can be cleared or not, emitting null as the input value.

If not specified and the component is bound to a foreign key or reference navigation property, defaults to whether or not the foreign key has a required validation rule defined in its Metadata.

preselectFirst?: boolean = false

If true, then when the first list results for the component are received by the client just after the component is created, c-select will emit the first item in the list as the selected value.

preselectSingle?: boolean = false

If true, then when the first list results for the component are received by the client just after the component is created, if the results contained exactly one item, c-select will emit that only item as the selected value.

reloadOnOpen?: boolean = false

If true, the list results will be reloaded when the dropdown menu is opened. By default, list results are loaded when the component is mounted and also when any of its parameters change (either search input or the params prop).

params?: ListParameters

An optional set of Data Source Standard Parameters to pass to API calls made to the server.

cache?: ResponseCachingConfiguration | boolean

If provided and non-false, enables response caching on the component's internal API callers.

create?: {
  getLabel: (search: string, items: TModel[]) => string | false,
  getItem: (search: string, label: string) => Promise<TModel>

A object containing a pair of methods that allowing users to create new items from directly within the c-select if a matching object is not found.

The object must contain the following two methods. You should define these in your component's script section - don't try to define them inline in your component.

create.getLabel: (search: string, items: TModel[]) => string | false

A function that will be called with the user's current search term, as well as the collection of currently loaded items being presented to the user as valid selection options.

It should return either a string that will be presented to the user as an option in the dropdown that can be clicked to invoke the getItem function below, or it should return false to prevent such an option from being shown to the user.

create.getItem: (search: string, label: string) => Promise<TModel>

A function that will be invoked when the user clicks the option in the dropdown list described by getLabel. It will be given the user's current search term as well as the value of the label returned from getLabel as parameters. It must perform the necessary operations to create the new object on the server and then return a reference to that object.

For example:

createMethods = {
  getLabel(search: string, items: Person[]) {
    const searchLower = search.toLowerCase();
    if (items.some(a => == 0)) {
      return false;
    return search;
  async getItem(search: string, label: string) {
    const client = new PersonApiClient();
    return (await client.addPersonByName(label)).data.object!;


#item="{ item: TModel, search: string }" - Slot used to customize the text of both items inside the list, as well as the text of selected items. By default, items are rendered with c-display. Slot is passed a parameter item containing a model instance, and search containing the current search query.

#list-item="{ item: TModel, search: string, selected: boolean }" - Slot used to customize the text of items inside the list. If not provided, falls back to the item slot. Contents are wrapped in a v-list-item-title.

#selected-item="{ item: TModel, search: string, index: number, remove: () => void }" - Slot used to customize the text of selected items. If not provided, falls back to the item slot. The remove function will deselect the item and is only valid when using multi-select.

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