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Audit Logging

Keeping a history of all (or most) of the changes that are made to records in your database can be invaluable, both for non-repudiation (i.e. proving what happened and who did it), and for troubleshooting or debugging.

Coalesce provides a package IntelliTect.Coalesce.AuditLogging that adds an easy way to inject this kind of audit logging into your EF Core DbContext. It also includes an out-of-the-box view c-admin-audit-log-page that enables browsing of this data on the frontend.


In this setup process, we're going to add an additional Coalesce Nuget package, define a custom entity to hold our audit logs, install the audit logging extension into our DbContext, and add a pre-made interface on the frontend to view our logs.

1. Add the NuGet package

Add a reference to the Nuget package IntelliTect.Coalesce.AuditLogging to your data project:

  <PackageReference Include="IntelliTect.Coalesce.Vue" Version="$(CoalesceVersion)" />
  <PackageReference Include="IntelliTect.Coalesce.AuditLogging" Version="$(CoalesceVersion)" />

2. Define the log entity

Define the entity type that will hold the audit records in your database:

using IntelliTect.Coalesce.AuditLogging;

[Read(Roles = "Administrator")]
public class AuditLog : DefaultAuditLog
    public string? UserId { get; set; }
    public AppUser? User { get; set; }

    // Other custom props as desired

This entity only needs to implement IAuditLog, but a default implementation of this interface DefaultAuditLog is provided for your convenience. DefaultAuditLog contains additional properties ClientIp, Referrer, and Endpoint for recording information about the HTTP request (if available), and also comes pre-configured for security with Create, Edit, and Delete APIs disabled.

You should further augment this type with any additional properties that you would like to track on each change record. A property to track the user who performed the change should be added, since it is not provided by the default implementation so that you can declare it yourself with the correct type for the foreign key and navigation property.

You should also apply security to restrict reading of these records to only the most privileged users with a Read Attribute (as in the example above) and/or a custom Default Data Source.

3. Configure your DbContext

On your DbContext, implement the IAuditLogDbContext<AuditLog> interface using the class you just created as the type parameter. Then register the Coalesce audit logging extension in your DbContext's OnConfiguring method so that saves will be intercepted and audit log entries created.

public class AppDbContext : DbContext, IAuditLogDbContext<AuditLog>
    public DbSet<AuditLog> AuditLogs { get; set; }
    public DbSet<AuditLogProperty> AuditLogProperties { get; set; }

    protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
        optionsBuilder.UseCoalesceAuditLogging<AuditLog>(x => x

You could also perform this setup in your web project when calling .AddDbContext().

The above code also contains a reference to a class OperationContext. This is the service that will allow you to populate additional custom properties on your audit entries. You'll want to define it as follows:

public class OperationContext : DefaultAuditOperationContext<AuditLog>
    // Inject any additional desired services in the constructor:
    public OperationContext(IHttpContextAccessor accessor) : base(accessor) { }

    public override void Populate(AuditLog auditEntry, EntityEntry changedEntity)
        base.Populate(auditEntry, changedEntity);

        // Adjust as needed to retrieve your UserId from the ClaimsPrincipal.
        auditEntry.UserId = User.GetUserId();

When you're inheriting from DefaultAuditLog for your IAuditLog implementation, you'll want to similarly inherit from DefaultAuditOperationContext<> for your operation context. It will take care of populating the HTTP request tracking fields on the AuditLog record. If you want a totally custom implementation, you only need to implement the IAuditOperationContext<TAuditLog> interface.

The operation context class passed to WithAugmentation will be injected from the application service provider if available; otherwise, a new instance will be constructed using dependencies from the application service provider. To make an injected dependency optional, make the constructor parameter nullable with a default value of null, or create alternate constructors.

4. Add the UI

For Vue applications, the c-admin-audit-log-page component provides an out-of-the-box user interface for browsing through audit logs. Simply define the following route in your application's router:

import { CAdminAuditLogPage } from 'coalesce-vue-vuetify3';

  path: '/admin/audit-logs',
  component: CAdminAuditLogPage,
  props: { type: 'AuditLog' }



You can turn audit logging on or off for individual operations by implementing the SuppressAudit property on your DbContext. For example, implement it as an auto-property as follows and then set it to true in application code when desired:

public class AppDbContext : DbContext, IAuditLogDbContext<AuditLog>
    public bool SuppressAudit { get; set; }

Exclusions & Formatting

Coalesce's audit logging is built on top of Entity Framework Plus and can be configured using all of its configuration, including includes/excludes and custom property formatting.

Coalesce will not use EF Plus's AuditManager.DefaultConfiguration global singleton instance. You must use Coalesce's configuration extensions which allow for more targeted configuration per context that does not rely on a global static singleton. For example:

public class AppDbContext : DbContext, IAuditLogDbContext<AuditLog>
    protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
        optionsBuilder.UseCoalesceAuditLogging<AuditLog>(x => x
            .ConfigureAudit(c => c
                .ExcludeProperty<TrackingBase>(x => new { x.CreatedById, x.CreatedOn, x.ModifiedById, x.ModifiedOn })
                .FormatType<DateTimeOffset>(d => d.ToTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles").ToString())
                .Format<Image>(x => x.Content, x => $"{Convert.ToHexString(SHA1.HashData(x))}, {x.Length} bytes")

Property Descriptions

The AuditLogProperty children of your IAuditLog implementation have two properties OldValueDescription and NewValueDescription that can be used to hold a description of the old and new values. By default, Coalesce will populate the descriptions of foreign key properties with the List Text of the referenced principal entity. This greatly improves the usability of the audit logs, which would otherwise only show meaningless numbers or GUIDs for foreign keys that changed.

This feature will load principal entities into the DbContext if they are not already loaded, which could inflict subtle differences in application functionality in rare edge cases if your application is making assumptions about navigation properties not being loaded. Typically though, this will not be an issue and will not lead unintentional information disclosure to clients as long as IncludeTrees are used correctly.

This feature may be disabled by calling .WithPropertyDescriptions(PropertyDescriptionMode.None) inside your call to .UseCoalesceAuditLogging(...) in your DbContext configuration. You may also populate these descriptions in your IAuditOperationContext implementation that was provided to .WithAugmentation<T>().


When using a supported database provider (currently only SQL Server), audit records for changes to the same entity will be merged together when the change is identical in all aspects to the previous audit record for that entity, with the sole exception of the old/new property values.

In other words, if the same user is making repeated changes to the same property on the same entity from the same page, then those changes will merge together into one audit record.

This merging only happens together if the existing audit record is recent; the default cutoff for this is 30 seconds, but can be configured with .WithMergeWindow(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)) when calling UseCoalesceAuditLogging. It can also be turned off by setting this value to TimeSpan.Zero. The merging logic respects all custom properties you add to your IAuditLog implementation, requiring their values to match between the existing and new audit records for a merge to occur.


Only changes that are tracked by the DbContext's ChangeTracker can be audited. Changes that are made with raw SQL, or changes that are made with bulk update functions like ExecuteUpdate or ExecuteDelete will not be audited using this package.

Audit Stamping

A lightweight alternative or addition to full audit logging is audit stamping - the process of setting fields like CreatedBy or ModifiedOn on each changed entity. This cannot record a history of exact changes, but can at least record the age of an entity and how recently it changed.

Coalesce offers a simple mechanism to register an Entity Framework save interceptor to perform this kind of action (this does NOT require the IntelliTect.Coalesce.AuditLogging package). This mechanism operations on all saves that go through Entity Framework, eliminating the need to perform this manually in individual Behaviors, Services, and Custom Methods:

services.AddDbContext<AppDbContext>(options => options
    .UseSqlServer(connectionString) // (or other provider)
    .UseStamping<TrackingBase>((entity, user) => entity.SetTracking(user))

In the above example, TrackingBase is an interface or class that you would write as part of your application that defines the properties and mechanisms for performing the tracking operation. For example:

public abstract class TrackingBase
    [Read, Display(Order = 1000)]
    public ApplicationUser CreatedBy { get; set; }
    [Read, Display(Order = 1001)]
    public string? CreatedById { get; set; }
    [Read, Display(Order = 1002)]
    public DateTimeOffset CreatedOn { get; set; }

    [Read, Display(Order = 1003)]
    public ApplicationUser ModifiedBy { get; set; }
    [Read, Display(Order = 1004)]
    public string? ModifiedById { get; set; }
    [Read, Display(Order = 1005)]
    public DateTimeOffset ModifiedOn { get; set; }

    public void SetTracking(ClaimsPrincipal? user) 
        => SetTracking(user?.GetApplicationUserId());
    public void SetTracking(int? userId)
        if (this.CreatedById == null)
            this.CreatedById = userId;
            this.CreatedOn = DateTimeOffset.Now;

        this.ModifiedById = userId;
        this.ModifiedOn = DateTimeOffset.Now;

The overload UseStamping<TStampable> will provide the ClaimsPrincipal from the current HTTP request if present, defaulting to null if an operation occurs outside an HTTP request (e.g. a background job). The overloads UseStamping<TStampable, TService> and UseStamping<TStampable, TService1, TService2> can be used to inject services into the operation. If more than two services are needed, you should wrap those dependencies up into an additional services that takes them as dependencies.

Coalesce is a free and open-source framework created by IntelliTect to fill our desire to create better apps, faster. IntelliTect is a high-end software architecture and development consulting firm based in Spokane, Washington.

If you're looking for help with your software project, whether it be a Coalesce application, other technologies, or even just an idea, reach out to us at — we'd love to start a conversation! Our clients range from Fortune 100 companies to local small businesses and non-profits.