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A component for displaying progress and error information for one or more API Callers.


It is highly recommended that all API Callers utilized by your application that don't have any other kind of error handling should be represented by a c-loader-status so that users can be aware of any errors that occur.

Progress is indicated with a Vuetify v-progress-linear component, and errors are displayed in a v-alert. Transitions are applied to smoothly fade between the different states the the caller can be in.


Wrap contents of a details/edit page:

<h1>Person Details</h1>
        'no-initial-content no-error-content': [person.$load],
        '': [person.$save, person.$delete],
    First Name: {{ person.firstName }}
    Last Name: {{ person.lastName }}
    Employer: {{ }}

Use c-loader-status to render a progress bar and any error messages, but don't use it to control content:

<c-loader-status :loaders="list.$load" />

Wrap a save/submit button:

<c-loader-status :loaders="[person.$save, person.$delete]" no-loading-content>
    <button> Save </button>
    <button> Delete </button>

Hides the table before the first load has completed, or if loading the list encountered an error. Don't show the progress bar after we've already loaded the list for the first time (useful for loads that occur without user interaction, e.g. setInterval):

        <tr v-for="item in list.$items"> ... </tr>


  // Flags per component:
  | ApiCaller 
  | ApiCaller[]
  // Flags per caller:
  | { [flags: string]: ApiCaller | ApiCaller[] } 

This prop has multiple options that support simple or complex usage scenarios:

Flags Per Component

A single instance, or array of API Callers, whose status will be represented by the component. The flags for these objects will be determined from the component-level flag props.

  :loaders="[product.$load, person.$load]"

Flags Per Caller

A more advanced usage allows passing different flags for different callers. Provide a dictionary object with entries mapping zero or more flags to one or more API Callers. Multiple entries of flags/caller pairs may be specified in the dictionary to give different behavior to different API callers. These flags are layered on top of the base flag props.

    'no-initial-content no-error-content': [person.$load],
    'no-loading-content': [person.$save, person.$delete],

progressPlaceholder: boolean = true

Specify if space should be reserved for the progress indicator. If set to false, the content in the default slot may jump up and down slightly as the progress indicator shows and hides.

progressAbsolute: boolean = false

Positions the progress bar absolutely. This can be useful in compact interfaces where extra space for the progress bar is undesirable, allowing the progress bar to potentially overlap content while active.

height: number = 10

Specifies the height in pixels of the v-progress-linear used to indicate progress.

no-loading-content?: boolean;
no-error-content?: boolean;
no-initial-content?: boolean;
no-progress?: boolean;
no-initial-progress?: boolean;
no-secondary-progress?: boolean;

Component level flags options that control behavior when the simple form of loaders (single instance or array) is used, as well as provide baseline defaults that can be overridden by the advanced form of loaders (object map) .


The available flags are as follows, all of which default to true. In the object literal syntax for loaders, the no- prefix may be omitted to set the flag to true.

no-loading-contentControls whether the default slot is rendered while any API caller is loading (i.e. when caller.isLoading === true).
no-error-contentControls whether the default slot is rendered while any API Caller is in an error state (i.e. when caller.wasSuccessful === false).
no-initial-contentControls whether the default slot is rendered while any API Caller has yet to receive a response for the first time (i.e. when caller.wasSuccessful === null).
no-progressMaster toggle for whether the progress indicator is shown in any scenario.
no-initial-progressControls whether the progress indicator is shown when an API Caller is loading for the very first time (i.e. when caller.wasSuccessful === null).
no-secondary-progressControls whether the progress indicator is shown when an API Caller is loading any time after its first invocation (i.e. when caller.wasSuccessful !== null).


default - Accepts the content whose visibility is controlled by the state of the supplied API Callers. It will be shown or hidden according to the flags defined for each caller.


(Vue 2 Only): Define the default slot as a scoped slot (e.g. with #default or v-slot:default on the c-loader-status) to prevent the VNode tree from being created when the content should be hidden. This improves performance and helps avoid null reference errors that can be caused when trying to render objects that haven't been loaded yet.

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