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Controls permissions for executing of a static or instance method through the API.

For other security controls, see Security Attributes.

Example Usage

public class Person
    public int PersonId { get; set; }
    [Coalesce, Execute(Roles = "Payroll,HR")]
    public void GiveRaise(int centsPerHour) {



public string Roles { get; set; }

A comma-separated list of roles which are allowed to execute the method.

public SecurityPermissionLevels PermissionLevel { get; set; } = SecurityPermissionLevels.AllowAuthorized;

The level of access to allow for the action for the method.

Enum values are:

  • SecurityPermissionLevels.AllowAll Allow all users to perform the action for the attribute, including users who are not authenticated at all.
  • SecurityPermissionLevels.AllowAuthorized Allow only users who are members of the roles specified on the attribute to perform the action. If no roles are specified on the attribute, then all authenticated users are allowed (no anonymous access).
  • SecurityPermissionLevels.DenyAll Deny the action to all users, regardless of authentication status or authorization level. If DenyAll is used, no API endpoint for the action will be generated.

public bool AutoClear { get; set; }

If true, the method's arguments will be cleared after a successful invocation on admin pages.

public bool? ValidateAttributes { get; set; }

If non-null, overrides the value of CoalesceOptions.ValidateAttributesForMethods when determining whether to perform automatic server-side validation of the method's parameters.

If validation is performed, the method's parameters will be validated by the server and the method invocation prevented if errors are found.

Coalesce is a free and open-source framework created by IntelliTect to fill our desire to create better apps, faster. IntelliTect is a high-end software architecture and development consulting firm based in Spokane, Washington.

If you're looking for help with your software project, whether it be a Coalesce application, other technologies, or even just an idea, reach out to us at — we'd love to start a conversation! Our clients range from Fortune 100 companies to local small businesses and non-profits.