A page for a creating/editing single ViewModel instance. Provides a c-admin-editor and a c-admin-methods for the instance. Designed to be routed to directly with vue-router.
import { CAdminEditorPage } from 'coalesce-vue-vuetify3';
const router = new Router({
// ...
routes: [
// ... other routes
path: '/admin/:type/edit/:id?',
name: 'coalesce-admin-item',
component: CAdminEditorPage,
props: true,
type: string
type: string
The PascalCase name of the type to be created/edited.
id?: number | string
id?: number | string
The primary key of the item being edited. If null or not provided, the page will be creating a new instance of the provided type
autoSave?: 'auto' | boolean = 'auto'
autoSave?: 'auto' | boolean = 'auto'
Controls whether auto-save is used for the item. If auto
(the default), auto-saves are used as long as the type has no unsaved init-only properties.