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Knockout Bindings

Coalesce provides a number of knockout bindings that make common model binding activities much easier.

Editors Note: On this page, some bindings are split into their requisite HTML component with their data-bind component listed immediately after. Keep this in mind when reading.

Input Bindings


<select data-bind="
    select2Ajax: personId, 
    url: '/api/Person/list', 
    idField: 'personId', 
    textField: 'Name', 
    object: person, 
    allowClear: true

Creates a select2 dropdown using the specified url and fields that can be used to select an object from the endpoint specified. Additional complimentary bindings include:

url: string

The Coalesce List API url to call to populate the contents of the dropdown.

idField: string

The name of the field on each item in the results of the AJAX call which contains the ID of the option. The value of this field will be set on the observable specified for the main select2Ajax binding.

textField: string

The name of the field on each item in the results of the AJAX call which contains the text to be displayed for each option.

object?: KnockoutObservable<Coalesce.BaseViewModel | null>

An observable that holds the full object corresponding to the foreign key property being bound to. If the selected value changes, this will be set to null to avoid representation of incorrect data (unless setObject is used - see below).

setObject: boolean = false

If true, the observable specified by the object binding will be set to the selected data when an option is chosen in the dropdown. Binding itemViewModel is required if this binding is set.

Additionally, requests to the API to populate the dropdown will request the entire object, as opposed to only the two fields specified for idField and textField like is normally done when this binding is missing or set to false. To override this behavior and continue requesting only specific fields even when setObject is true, add fields=field1,field2,... to the query string of the url binding.

itemViewModel?: (new (newItem: object) => Coalesce.BaseViewModel)

A reference to the class that represents the type of the object held in the object observable. This is used when constructing new objects from the results of the API call. Not used if setObject is false or unspecified. For example, setObject: true, itemViewModel: ViewModels.Person.

pageSize: number = 25

The number of items to request in each call to the server.

format: string = '{0}'

A string containing the substring {0}, which will be replaced with the text value of an option in the dropdown list when the option is displayed.

selectionFormat: string = '{0}'

A string containing the substring {0}, which will be replaced with the text value of the selected option of the dropdown list.

cache: boolean = true

If true, a cache-busting querystring parameter will be included in AJAX requests.

selectOnClose: boolean = false

Directly maps to select2 option selectOnClose.

allowClear: boolean = true

Whether or not to allow the current select to be set to null. Directly maps to select2 option allowClear.

placeholder: string = 'select'

Placeholder when nothing is selected. Directly maps to select2 option placeholder.

openOnFocus: boolean = false

If true, the dropdown will open when tabbed to. Browser support may be incomplete in some versions of IE.


<select multiple="multiple" data-bind="
    select2AjaxMultiple: people, 
    url: '/api/Person/list', 
    idField: 'personId', 
    textField: 'Name', 
    itemViewModel: ViewModels.PersonCase

Creates a select2 multi-select input for choosing objects that participate as the foreign object in a many-to-many relationship with the current object. The primary select2AjaxMultiple binding takes the collection of items that make up the foreign side of the relationship. This is NOT the collection of the join objects (a.k.a. middle table objects) in the relationship.

Additional complimentary bindings include:

url: string

The Coalesce List API url to call to populate the contents of the dropdown. In order to only receive specific fields from the server, add fields=field1,field2,... to the query string of the url, ensuring that at least the idField and textField are included in that collection.

idField: string

The name of the field on each item in the results of the AJAX call which contains the ID of the option. The value of this field will be set as the key of the foreign object in the many-to-many relationship.

textField: string

The name of the field on each item in the results of the AJAX call which contains the text to be displayed for each option.

itemViewModel: (new (newItem: object) => Coalesce.BaseViewModel)

A reference to the class that represents the types in the supplied collection. For example, a many-to-many between Person and Case objects where Case is the object being bound to and Person is the type represented by a child collection, the correct value is ViewModels.Person. This is used when constructing new objects representing the relationship when a new item is selected.

pageSize: number = 25

The number of items to request in each call to the server.

format: string = '{0}'

A string containing the substring {0}, which will be replaced with the text value of an option in the dropdown list when the option is displayed.

selectionFormat: string = '{0}'

A string containing the substring {0}, which will be replaced with the text value of the selected option of the dropdown list.

cache: boolean = true

If true, a cache-busting querystring parameter will be included in AJAX requests.

selectOnClose: boolean = false

Directly maps to select2 option selectOnClose.

allowClear: boolean = true

Whether or not to allow the current select to be set to null. Directly maps to select2 option allowClear.

placeholder: string = 'select'

Placeholder when nothing is selected. Directly maps to select2 option placeholder.

openOnFocus: boolean = false

If true, the dropdown will open when tabbed to. Browser support may be incomplete in some versions of IE.


<select data-bind="
    select2AjaxText: schoolName, 
    url: '/api/Person/SchoolNames'

Creates a select2 dropdown against the specified url where the url returns a collection of string values that are potential selection candidates. The dropdown also allows the user to input any value they choose - the API simply serves suggested values.

url: string

The url to call to populate the contents of the dropdown. This should be an endpoint that returns one of the following:

  • A raw string[]
  • An object that conforms to { list: string[] }
  • An object that conforms to { object: string[] }
  • An object that conforms to { list: { [prop: string]: string } } where the value given to resultField is a valid property of the returned objects.
  • An object that conforms to { object: { [prop: string]: string } } where the value given to resultField is a valid property of the returned objects.

The url will also be passed a search parameter and a page parameter appended to the query string. The chosen endpoint is responsible for implementing this functionality. Page size is expected to be some fixed value. Implementer should anticipate that the requested page may be out of range.

The cases listed above that accept arrays of objects (as opposed to arrays of strings) require that the resultField binding is also used. These are designed for obtaining string values from objects obtained from the standard list endpoint.

resultField?: string

If provided, specifies a field on the objects returned from the API to pull the string values from. See examples in url above.

allowCustom: boolean = true

If false, the user's search input will not be presented as a valid selectable value; only the exact values obtained from the API endpoint will be selectable.

selectOnClose: boolean = false

Directly maps to select2 option selectOnClose.

allowClear: boolean = true

Whether or not to allow the current select to be set to null. Directly maps to select2 option allowClear.

placeholder: string = 'select'

Placeholder when nothing is selected. Directly maps to select2 option placeholder.

openOnFocus: boolean = false

If true, the dropdown will open when tabbed to. Browser support may be incomplete in some versions of IE.


<select data-bind="select2: selectedNumber">
    <option value="1">Option 1</option>
    <option value="2">Option 2</option>

Sets up a basic select2 dropdown on an HTML select element. Dropdown contents should be populated through other means - either using stock Knockout bindings or server-side static contents (via cshtml).

selectOnClose: boolean = false

Directly maps to select2 option selectOnClose.

allowClear: boolean = true

Whether or not to allow the current select to be set to null. Directly maps to select2 option allowClear.

placeholder: string = 'select'

Placeholder when nothing is selected. Directly maps to select2 option placeholder.

openOnFocus: boolean = false

If true, the dropdown will open when tabbed to. Browser support may be incomplete in some versions of IE.


<div class="input-group date">
    <input data-bind="datePicker: birthDate" type="text" class="form-control" id-prefix="datePicker" />
    <span class="input-group-addon">
        <span class="fa fa-calendar"></span>

Creates a date/time picker for changing a moment.Moment property. The control used is bootstrap-datetimepicker

preserveDate: boolean = false

If true, the date portion of the moment.Moment object will be preserved by the date picker. Only the time portion will be changed by user input.

preserveTime: boolean = false

If true, the time portion of the moment.Moment object will be preserved by the date picker. Only the date portion will be changed by user input.

format: string = 'M/D/YY h:mm a'

Specify the moment-compatible format string to be used as the display format for the text value shown on the date picker. Defaults to M/D/YY h:mm a. Direct pass-through to bootstrap-datetimepicker.

sideBySide: boolean = false

If true, places the time picker next to the date picker, visible at the same time. Direct pass-through to corresponding bootstrap-datetimepicker option.

stepping: number = 1

Direct pass-through to corresponding bootstrap-datetimepicker option.

timeZone: string = ''

Direct pass-through to corresponding bootstrap-datetimepicker option.

keyBinds = { left: null, right: null, delete: null }

Override key bindings of the date picker. Direct pass-through to corresponding bootstrap-datetimepicker option.

updateImmediate: boolean = false

If true, the datePicker will update the underlying observable on each input change. Otherwise, the observable will only be changed when the datePicker loses focus (on blur).


<div data-bind="with: product">
    <input type="text" data-bind="textValue: description, saveImmediately: true" />

When used in a context where $data is a Coalesce.BaseViewModel, that object's saveTimeoutMs configuration property (see ViewModel Configuration) will be set to 0 when the element it is placed on gains focus. This value will be reverted to its previous value when the element loses focus. This will cause any changes to the object, including any observable bound as input on the element, to trigger a save immediately rather than after a delay (defaults to 500ms).


<div data-bind="with: product">
    <input type="text" data-bind="textValue: description, delaySave: true" />

When used in a context where $data is a Coalesce.BaseViewModel, that object's autoSaveEnabled configuration property (see ViewModel Configuration) will be set to false when the element it is placed on gains focus. This will cause any changes to the object, including any observable bound as input on the element, to not trigger auto saves while the element has focus. When the element loses focus, the autoSaveEnabled flag will be reverted to its previous value and an attempt will be made to save the object.

Display Bindings


<div data-bind="tooltip: tooltipText">Some Element</div>
<div data-bind="tooltip: {title: note, placement: 'bottom', animation: false}">Some Element</div>

Wrapper around the Bootstrap tooltip component. Binding can either be simply a string (or observable string), or it can be an object that will be passed directly to the Bootstrap tooltip component.


<div data-bind="fadeVisible: isVisible">Some Element</div>

Similar to the Knockout visible binding, but uses jQuery fadeIn/fadeOut calls to perform the transition.


<div data-bind="slideVisible: isVisible">Some Element</div>

Similar to the Knockout visible, but uses jQuery slideIn/slideOut calls to perform the transition.


<div data-bind="moment: momentObservable"></div>
<div data-bind="moment: momentObservable, format: 'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm a'"></div>

Controls the text of the element by calling the format method on a moment object.


<div data-bind="momentFromNow: momentObservable"></div>
<div data-bind="momentFromNow: momentObservable, shorten: true"></div>

Controls the text of the element by calling the fromNow method on a moment object. If shorten is true, certain phrases will be slightly shortened.

Utility Bindings


<div class="item">
    <!-- ko let: { showControls: $data.isEditing() || $parent.editingChildren() } -->
    <button data-bind="click: $root.editItem, visible: showControls">Edit</button>
    <span data-bind="text: name"></span>
    <button data-bind="click: $root.deleteItem, visible: showControls">Delete</button>
    <!-- /ko -->

The let binding is a somewhat common construct used in Knockout applications, but isn't part of Knockout itself. It effectively allows the creation of variables in the binding context, allowing complex statements which may be used multiple times to be aliased for both clarity of code and better performance.

Knockout Binding Defaults

Knockout Helpers

These are static properties on IntelliTect.Coalesce.Knockout.Helpers.Knockout you can assign to somewhere in the app lifecycle startup to change the default markup generated server-side when using @Knockout.* methods to render Knockout bindings in your .cshtml files.

public static int DefaultLabelCols { get; set; } = 3;

The default number of Bootstrap grid columns a field label should span across.

public static int DefaultInputCols { get; set; } = 9;

The default number of Bootstrap grid columns a form input should span across.

public static string DefaultDateFormat { get; set; } = "M/D/YYYY";

Sets the default date-only format to be used by all date/time pickers. This only applies to models with a date-only [DateType] attribute.

public static string DefaultTimeFormat { get; set; } = "h:mm a";

Sets the default time-only format to be used by all date/time pickers. This only applies to models with a time-only [DateType] attribute.

public static string DefaultDateTimeFormat { get; set; } = "M/D/YYYY h:mm a";

Sets the default date/time format to be used by all date/time pickers. This only applies to DateTimeOffset model properties that do not have a limiting [DateType] attribute.


DefaultDateFormat, DefaultTimeFormat and DefaultDateTimeFormat all take various formatting strings from the Moment.js library. A full listing can be found on the Moment website.


The date/time picker properties can be coupled with DateTimeOffset model properties to display time values localized for the current user's locale. If you want to make the localization static, simply include a script block in your _Layout.cshtml or in a specific view that sets the default for Moment.js:



This needs to happen after Moment is loaded, but before the bootstrap-datetimepicker script is loaded.

Coalesce is a free and open-source framework created by IntelliTect to fill our desire to create better apps, faster. IntelliTect is a high-end software architecture and development consulting firm based in Spokane, Washington.

If you're looking for help with your software project, whether it be a Coalesce application, other technologies, or even just an idea, reach out to us at — we'd love to start a conversation! Our clients range from Fortune 100 companies to local small businesses and non-profits.