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TypeScript External ViewModels

For all External Types in your model, Coalesce will generate a TypeScript class that provides a bare-bones representation of that type's properties.

These ViewModels are dependent on Knockout, and are designed to be used directly from Knockout bindings in your HTML. All data properties on the generated model are Knockout observables.

Base Members

The TypeScript ViewModels for external types do not have a common base class, and do not have any of the behaviors or convenience properties that the regular TypeScript ViewModels for database-mapped classes have.

Model-Specific Members

Data Properties

public personId: KnockoutObservable<number | null> = ko.observable(null);
public fullName: KnockoutObservable<string | null> = ko.observable(null);
public gender: KnockoutObservable<number | null> = ko.observable(null);
public companyId: KnockoutObservable<number | null> = ko.observable(null);
public company: KnockoutObservable<ViewModels.Company | null> = ko.observable(null);
public addresses: KnockoutObservableArray<ViewModels.Address> = ko.observableArray([]);
public birthDate: KnockoutObservable<moment.Moment | null> = ko.observable(moment());

For each exposed property on the underlying EF POCO, a KnockoutObservable<T> property will exist on the TypeScript model. For navigation properties, these will be typed with the corresponding TypeScript ViewModel for the other end of the relationship. For collections (including collection navigation properties), these properties will be KnockoutObservableArray<T> objects.

Enum Members

For each enum property on your POCO, the following will be created:

public genderText: KnockoutComputed<string | null>

A KnockoutComputed<string> property that will provide the text to display for that property.

Coalesce is a free and open-source framework created by IntelliTect to fill our desire to create better apps, faster. IntelliTect is a high-end software architecture and development consulting firm based in Spokane, Washington.

If you're looking for help with your software project, whether it be a Coalesce application, other technologies, or even just an idea, reach out to us at — we'd love to start a conversation! Our clients range from Fortune 100 companies to local small businesses and non-profits.