IntelliTect Guidelines

IntelliTect's guidelines for coding and architecture. Documentation for IntelliTect's .NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn) Analyzers.

Project maintained by IntelliTect Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

C# Naming Conventions - Quick Reference Table

Kind Naming Convention Example
Classes PascalCase class Car
Types and Namespaces PascalCase namespace VehicleManufacturer;
Parameters camelCase public Car(int odometerMileage, string manufacturer)
Methods PascalCase public void StartEngine()
Properties PascalCase public double FuelLevel { get; set; }
Local Variables camelCase int yearManufactured;
Local Functions PascalCase string CalculateMilesUntilEmpty(double fuelLevel)
Fields _PascalCase private string _Day;
Enum Members PascalCase enum Status { Unknown, Operational, Broken, InShop }
Type Parameters TPascalCase public TOutput Convert<TInput, TOutput>(TInput from)
Interfaces IPascalCase interface ISampleInterface